International Institute for Advanced Aerospace Technologies – IIAAT
Educational Programs • Postgraduate and Research • Advanced Projects Management


Individual Themes for Master Students Training in 2020 in Aerospace Instrumentation and Control- Modern approach to aerospace vehicle navigation and motion control systems optimization
- Space Vehicle trajectory control
- Methods of active stabilization of space vehicle
- Methods of passive stabilization of space vehicle
- Bending modes control
- Algorithms of flexible vehicle stabilization
- Sloshing modeling and simulation for control laws design
- Experimental testing of vehicle flexibility
- Optimization of onboard sensors installation points
- Selection and investigation of gyros for aerospace vehicles
- Selection and investigation of accelerometers for aerospace vehicles
- Inertial systems design for aerospace vehicles
- Sensors Integration for inertial navigation system
- Self Alignment of inertial system
- Gimbals inertial navigation and attitude control
- Strapdown inertial navigation and attitude control
- Theory and design of micromechanical gyros and accelerometers
- Inertial sensors on surface acoustic waves (SAW)
- Sensors of aerial medium for aerospace vehicles
- Control laws for aerospace vehicles docking
- Principles of altitude measuring for space vehicles landing
- Control laws for reentry vehicles
- Satellite attitude control
- Star sensors application for space probes attitude and motion control
- Modern control theory in application to aerospace vehicles investigation
- Control accuracy ensuring methods for aerospace control systems
- Control laws synthesis in the frequency and time domains
- Digital control systems design for aerospace application
- Computers and digital hardware selection for aerospace application
- Structural redundancy application for space vehicle control systems
- Advanced conceptions of space transportation systems design
- Comparison of VTVL and HTHL space vehicles advantages
- Peculiarities of aerospace plane horizontal launch with ekranoplane assist
- Peculiarities of aerospace plane horizontal landing
- Relative motion control at aerospace plane horizontal landing on ekranoplane
- WIG-craft (ekranoplanes) advanced design and control principles
- SNS (GPS and Glonass) application for space vehicle motion control
- Radio systems for short-range navigation
- Landing Radio systems
- Satellite navigation systems design principles
- Terrestrial images processing algorithms
- Image compression methods and algorithms
- Homing systems
- Infra-red sensors and systems
- Map matching navigation systems
Themes for students short-term training in IIAAT in 2020-2021I. Investigation of flying vehicles, including Wing-In-Ground effect craft- Problems of multistage aerospace vehicles design.
- Analysis of peculiarities and comparative effectiveness of flying vehicles with vertical take-off and landing (helicopters, planes with turned vector of thrust, hovercraft, WIG-craft with blowing under the wing), comparison at fuel saving and other criteria.
- Analysis of the areas of the most effectual application of WIG-craft in compare with other kinds of air transportation.
- Effectiveness analysis of heavy WIG-craft assist at aerospace plane horizontal launch and landing.
- Investigation of sea waves statistical characteristics and their influence on the fast sea transport (mainly WIG-craft) motion.
- Key problems of homing missiles perfecting.
- General principles of missiles guidance.
- Key problems of aircraft perfecting.
- Key problems of helicopters perfecting.
- Key problems of launch vehicles perfecting.
II. Navigation and motion control systems of aerospace vehicles- Investigation of peculiarities of GPS and Glonass airborne application.
- Comparative analysis of design principles and accuracy characteristics of the airborne sensors of flight altitude.
- Comparative analysis of design principles and accuracy characteristics of the airborne inertial systems.
- Investigation of methods of low altitude flight parameters measuring on the basis of radioaltimeters and inertial sensors integration.
- Stabilization and control laws synthesis for flexible aerospace constructions.
- Methods of maximum error investigation in motion control systems of flying vehicles.
- Methods of automatic control systems with required accuracy indexes synthesis.
- Digital system for helicopter longitudinal motion stabilization: synthesis, analysis, motion simulation.
- Digital system for WIG-craft motion stabilization: synthesis, analysis, motion simulation.
- Integrated digital navigation system of aircraft: algorithms of VOR/DME, GPS, course system, system of air signals measurements processing.
- Problems of a micromechanical inertial sensors design: stabilization of primary oscillations amplitude of a micromechanical gyroscope.
- Problems of a micromechanical inertial sensors design: design of the measuring channel of a micromechanical gyroscope.
- Problems of a micromechanical inertial sensors design: minimization of output noise in micromechanical gyroscope.
- Embedded Kalman filter in a micromechanical gyroscope.
III. Information and data processing- Advanced methodology of Kalman filters application in flying vehicles navigation and motion control systems.
- Modern methods of parameters identification in airborne automatic control systems.
- Methods of dynamic systems accuracy ensuring at incomplete a priori information about excitations.
- Images compression methods for remote control systems.
- Specific methods of digital control systems synthesis for flying vehicles with low cost computers.
- Investigation of technology and animation movie development of aerospace plane landing at the moving WIG-craft.
- Internet-conception development for students’ remote access to the software package for flexible aerospace vehicles simulation.

Address: IIAAT, SUAI, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya, Saint-Petersburg, 190000, RUSSIA
Phone: +7 (812) 494-70-16; Fax: +7 (812) 494-70-18; E-mail: